RODREPEL™® – Non-hazardous Bird and Animal
unique and novel product is offered as a Non Hazardous and Non Toxic
bird and animal repellant. It is based on an optimised blend of
Synthetic Animal repellant perfume,Benzyl
diethyl[(2,6-Xylylcarbamolyl Methyl)] Ammonium Saccharide, Benzyl
diethyl[(2,6-Xylylcarbamolyl Methyl)] Ammonium
(E)-; 8-Methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide, oleoresin &
capsaicin derivatives.
™® are also available. These are universal masterbatches, recommended
addition level of this masterbatch is 1%-5%
laboratory tests conducted with Cables containing RODREPEL™®, it was
demonstrated that cables that were bitten by rats produced a very
foul reaction in the animal, without harming it in any way. In 100%
of cases, the animal did not bite into the cable again. These tests
are carried out across a period of time. RODREPEL™® actually helps in
modifying animal behavior.
Testing is done
on actual cable or pipe pieces simulating actual conditions as that
would exist in the environment.
RODREPEL™® is effective at very low concentrations e.g. 200ppm (parts
per million). However the dispersion
of Rodrepel in polymers requires dosages from 200-2000 ppm depending
on the dispersion process and application.
In polymeric application we suggest
the use of Rodrepel® Masterbatch, this masterbatch has been produced
using a patented process developed by C Tech Corporation, the
Rodrepel® Masterbatch is designed for optimum dispersion and ease of
is 100% organic in nature and is non-hygroscopic. It is compatible with all thermosetting and thermopolymers
such as PE, XLPE, PP, PVC, polyesters, epoxies and paints, both
water and oil based.
Cable protection
from rodent damage
Plastics requiring
protection from animal and bird damage
Variants of RODREPEL ™®
can be added to Pharmaceutical preparations or other poisonous
substances to prevent accidental ingestion by children
Can be added to
Pesticides to avoid accidental ingestion
Can Be used to
prevent cribbing in animals
Suitable for topical
applications to prevent e.g. thumb sucking
product is non-toxic to humans.
Special precautions in handling are the use of
face masks and gloves to prevent accidental ingestion.
You can also download the Material Safety Data Sheet directly
from our server.
You can download a Data sheet for the Master batch here

& compounding in Polymers:
Corporation's chemists started studying animal behavior& also realized why
animals are drawn to plastics products, the plasticisers & the
aromatic odors of polymers, the bright colors & the texture of
polymer products are all responsible for animals being attracted to
plastic goods.
Rodents are present everywhere & can cause a lot of
damage to power cables. They chew
on plastic doors, sidings, benches molded plastic parts, cables ,
wires, railway components practically anything. In the wild too,
several animals chew on products made of plastics such as plastic
bins containers, cables etc.
Rodents chewing cables, exposing them & causing a short
circuit also cause a few fires
The best part about the
family of products was, these products were not dangerous to both
humans & animals.
We also started manufacturing special perfumes mimicking the smell
of predator urine & incorporated these perfumes into RODREPEL™®,
the non-toxic bird & animal repellant product we produced for
polymers. These perfumes are not detected by the
human olfactory sense, but animals read this as a signal for
danger. RODREPEL™® also contains oleoresin derivatives, these are
extracted from green peppers, these peppers are found very commonly
in India & are extremely spicy, and they are often used in the
extremely spicy Indian curries.
RODREPEL is effective at parts per million levels, thus it does not
interfere with the physical or chemical properties of polymers or
compounded polymers. Similarly we developed, these products to
withstand the extreme heat of polymer processing, extremely small
particle size to help in the dispersion of these products in all
kinds of plastics. The suggested loading in polymers is 500 parts
per million or 0.05%, at such small loadings the physical properties
of the polymers or the compounding process are not al all affected.
We have got terrific results with
RODREPEL has been incorporated as an aerosol
spray, used as gel to
protect from woodpeckers & other birds, used on roofs,
RODREPEL has been very successfully added to Wires & Cables,
Plastic screens & sidings, railway doors & windows, seats,
wires & cables used in automobiles.
The graphs below will explain the effective use of
the results we obtained.
RODREPEL™® used in PVC Cables & wires
It is possible to modify the behavior of animals. We have seen
quite conclusively in
the laboratory or the wild, that the number of animal attacks on
plastic objects decrease gradually with time.
Subsequent generations of
animals also stay away from polymer objects, to which RODREPEL™® has
been added. RODREPEL™® thus works by modifying animal behavior instead
of poisoning the animals in any way. RODREPEL™® works at very small
concentrations without modification of the inherent property of the
polymer or the compounded polymer finished products. RODREPEL™® can be
used in any polymer system as it is used at 0.05% active concentrations. We
have tried RODREPEL™® in most polymers with excellent results.
Rodent damage
to cables & optical fiber conduits often disrupts power supply, is a cause
for many fires due to short circuits & also causes service outages.
an unique Non toxic Rodent repellant for wires & cables. RODREPEL™® is also
available as a master batch.
on the following 5 principles,
Aversion, By adding
an extremely foul tasting component to the Cable sheath.
Discomfort, By adding
an component which causes severe distress to the mucosa of the animal
Fear, by exploiting
the olfactory response of animals to compounds which mimic the behavior of predator urine
Training, the animal learns that
RODREPEL™® is not a nice thing to bite
By Modification of Animal Behavior
towards products made from Rodrepel, this involves sensory stimuli
5) Association and conditioning,
the animal would remember the bad experience, it is also found
the animal passes on the
information to its progeny. The fear response & unpleasant reaction is also
communicated to other animals in the vicinity.
RODREPEL ™® is actually designed not to harm the rodent or animal in any
way. We are committed to our environment & we believe that no harm must be
caused to animals or to the environment.
RODREPEL™® does not leach out to
pollute. It is completely inert
Cables & pipes
often pass through large expanses of untouched forests & outdoors, several
native & protected species often come into contact with these cables. Thus
RODREPEL ™® is designed to be a completely harmless product.
In fact, it is
the world’s one & only complete Non Toxic Animal repellant for Polymers.
Due to the
small amount of addition levels suggested, RODREPEL™® does not interfere
with the physical or mechanical properties of the polymer. RODREPEL™® is
completely inert in nature. RODREPEL™® works by repelling the animals & by
conditioning the response of animals, without harming the animals in any
way.Rodrepel® is also available as a pre-dispersed formulated masterbatch
which offers excellent dispersion.
Call us or write to us at
to learn more about our products.We would be glad to offer a customised
solution. |